An outline of package sign process in Copr ========================================== To sign packages we decided to use obs-signd `1 `__. Unfortunately it doesn't manage user keys in any way, but it's possible to minimize Copr operations with gpg key-pairs. Expected setup -------------- **host-sign**: secure machine where key-pairs is stored in /usr/share/copr-keygen/gnupg/ it runs: - [A] perl signd from *obs-signd* - [B] copr-keygen service **host-build**: backend where builds occurs and result rpms are signed by invocation of /bin/sign [C] from *obs-signd* [C] is configured by /etc/sign.conf to access [A] at host-0 When user ``foo`` builds first package, service [B] will be invoked to generate new keys (they will be contained in the keyring in **GPGHOMEDIR**). Also it creates dummy file into **PHRASESDIR**, that file indicates that user ``foo`` exists for [A]. Finally [A] can sign packages for user ``foo`` without receiving keys through network. **copr-backend** do everything related to sign through new module **backend.sign** which either runs [C] or calls [B]. Configuration notes ------------------- At **host-build** +++++++++++++++++ | sign should be executed from the root user | **/etc/sign.conf**: - server: host of machine with signd ensure that configs/sudoers/copr\_signer is copied into /etc/sudoers.d/ At **host-sign** ++++++++++++++++ **/etc/sign.conf**: - allow: list of backend hosts - phrases: /var/lib/copr-keygen/phrases -- location of **PHRASESDIR** **NB:** obs-signd always run as root and doesn't accept alternative **GPGHOMEDIR**. To overcome this obstacle we added ``/usr/bin/`` Bash script wrapper which calls ``gpg2`` with correct user and homedir